Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Nurse Shortage Approaches Essay
At the point when medical caretakers are compelled to work with high attendant to tolerant proportions, patients can build up an assortment of diseases, get harmed, and can prompt passing. Regularly now and again patients are released home too early without sufficient training about how to deal with their ailment or injury (Raquel and Sean, 2011). On account of patients being released to soon, this makes them return back to the emergency clinic frequently more debilitated than they were previously. Increment in pace of affirmations, moves, and releases on emergency clinic unit’s raises nurses’ remaining task at hand. At the point when medical attendants have less patients, they can give excellent consideration (Raquel and Sean, 2011). A quantitative research was done dependent on information on unit’s characteristic and move by move nurture staffing levels. The analysts investigated 43 units of clinical and careful patient’s mortality in a scandalous magne t medical clinic here in United States. The units and movements staffing information from 2003 to 2006 were gotten and merged with persistent information bringing about 3.2 million unit shifts for 197961 patients. The result of two staffing factors were investigate utilizing a move unit level: understaffing genuine enrolled medical caretakers staffing eight hours or more beneath target staffing levels produced by a patient characterization framework and high turnover which implies unit affirmations, moves and releases surpasses mean day move by one standard deviation. Persistent endurance rate was investigated utilizing Cox relative danger relapse models with modification for customers, unit and movements hazard covariates was polished. The hazard alter mortality was assessed to staffing and turnover inside the initial 5 to 30 days after affirmation and during past movements. The outcome was perilous proportions (Raquel and Sean, 2011). The outcome shows that each move and unit that where understaffed by 4 to 7% and furthermore has high turnover the danger of patient’s demise increments by 2 to 5%. The creators likewise brought up that low keenness tolerant on units that are understaffed, the danger of death is 4 to 12% and with high turnover the danger of death is 7 to 15% (Raquel and Sean, 2011). The quality of the investigation is that the specialist had the option to analyzedâ patients in the units, staffing, shifts levels and turnover. The creators brought up that the confinement in the investigation is that the patient example was not indistinguishable; some perplexing of setting up choice with tolerant clinical conditions and differentials in staffing could have impact the examination. The creators explained that the discoveries in this examination is reliable with past relationship between enrolled nurture inclusion and lower medical clinic death rate, (Raquel and Sean, 2011). Difference and Compare Nursing Leaders Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) and 40 other social insurance gatherings of associations and pioneers are assisting with discovering arrangements on the war of attendant lack. The alliance planned a site, made promoting developments and made sure about media film (Sigma Theta Tau International). These measures were being done as an approach to tempt youngsters to enter the nursing calling. The notice gauges likewise assisted with getting the message out to general society of the uncommon requirement for medical caretakers. STTI has ascended over $1 million dollars to help towards the crusade of attendant lack. The crusade keeps on accepting new inclusion across the country to bring issues to light of the medical caretaker deficiency (Sigma Theta Tau International). Johnson and Johnson and The Honor Society of Nursing cooperated and contribute $20 million per year towards battle to downsize on nurture lack. The objective of Johnson and Johnson and The Honor Society crusade is to pull in individuals to work in emergency clinics and expanded consideration offices (Sigma Theta Tau International). August 1, 2002 the previous president Bush, marked Nurse Reinvestment Act. The Nurse Reinvestment Act is planned to mitigate the nursing lack by offering impetuses with educational cost repayments. The Nurse Reinvestment Act subtleties five principle capacities: Scholarship for future nursing understudies with credit repayment programs. Open business declaration to lure individuals to take on nursing programs (ANA 2015). Professional successes programs for laborers that might want to facilitate their calling. Granting awards to directors for magnet programs. More spotlight on gerontology programs by offering awards for long haul care preparing. Quick track staffing repayment programs for the individuals who choose to show nursing educational plan (ANA 2015). Difference and Compare Nursing Managers Troughs can assist decline with nursing deficiency by expanding the staff confidence on the units. New medical attendants frequently feel threatened; some are giving intense assignments that they may require help with. As a trough sitting above is basic to ensure the remaining task at hand is equally dispersed (ANA 2014). The executives by Walking around (MBWA) is a trough that is consistently progressing getting out and about. When making adjusts center around what the staff is doing, offer assistance if necessary, communicate with the relatives and the staff. This sort of trough is in long haul care offices. By making adjusts you can guarantee that all staff is being dealt with decently, you can perceive what works and doesn't work (ANA 2014). My Personal and Professional Leadership Style As a nursing head I favor Transformational Leadership style. With transformational authority the attention is on propelling and developing connections among the staff, so a similar crucial vision can be acquired. Transformational are acceptable communicators, they utilize their appeal to get individuals to see the point of view on circumstances. Applause and support is regularly utilized by transformational pioneers, I am likewise an extraordinary issue solver both at work and at home. As a medical attendant director my methodology is proceed with network with the staff and energize the staff through adapting nursing hypothesis. A decent supervisor will treat their representatives with a comprehensive methodology. It isn't each day that the laborers are working up to 100%; they could be having an individual issue. Keep on being self-assured when required, stand up to and manage clashes as they emerge. At the point when you approach your representatives with deference, poise, and perm it self-rule they will take a stab at their occupations. Outline Clinics utilized both outlay attendants and voyaging medical attendants who sign momentary agreements to fill singular moves and suit transient staffing needs emerging from staff excursions or clinical leaves. A few emergency clinics utilized interior staffing organizations or buoy pools. The drawbacks to these systems incorporate significant expense and diminished nature of care. Clinics searching for all the more long haul techniques are putting more in nurture instruction, lower medical attendant to persistent proportions or constraining volume of patients so not to over-burden accessible staff. Emergency clinics are additionally joining forces with nursing schoolsâ in a push to develop populace of new medical caretakers and perhaps secure agreements with understudies who go to clinical at their offices. Nursing deficiency can prompt increment tolerant damage and lessening in access to quality consideration. The nursing lack is definitely not a convenient solution, however affirm ation of the issue is a starting to an answer. It is basic that social insurance offices staff their units appropriately with the goal that the patients will get quality consideration that they merit. Understaffed and high turnover shifts increment the danger of death. References American Nurses Association (ANA 2014). Nursing initiative, the executives and authority style. Recovered on April 22, 2015 from.â€management-authority styles.pdf?sfvrsn=4 American Nurses Association (ANA 2015). Medical caretaker reinvestment act foundation. Recovered on April 22, 2015 from. Raquel, M., and Sean, C. (2011). Setting up with nurture understaffing and high patient agitate connected to uplifted inpatient mortality chance in a solitary site study. Proof based nursing, Vol. 14, p122-123. Recovered on April 22, 2015 from. Sigma Theta Tau International (1199-2015). Respect Society of Nursing. Realities on the nursing deficiency in North America. Recovered on April 22, 2015, from.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Barack Obama and the White Race Free Essays
On the off chance that the reason that the white race is a prevailing race is an acknowledged one, at that point there must be some clarification for Barack Obama and his accomplishment in both life and as a political applicant. On the off chance that those ends are valid and the white race does really smother different races, the Obama more likely than not been accomplishing something other than what's expected so as to change his present situation. The most evident clarification for his prosperity, considering the conditions stacked against him, is that Barack Obama has focused on investigating roads in life that have ordinarily been customarily white ways to progress. We will compose a custom paper test on Barack Obama and the White Race or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now One might say, above all else, that Barack Obama has attempted to imitate the way that a white legislator would take as far as his instruction. In spite of the fact that he has not done everything like a white government official and he has a few encounters that are surely one of a kind to his circumstance, he has gone down an instructive way that is typically saved for white individuals in America. This all begun when he quit fooling around about instruction during his time at Occidental College. A Barack Obama life story composes of his special instructive change, â€Å"Obama moved on from Punahou and went on to Occidental College in Los Angeles, where he chose to quit fooling around about his examinations. Halfway through, he moved to the lofty Columbia University in New York City†(Barack Obama Biography). Heading off to an esteemed Ivy League University for undergrad considers was just the start for Obama, however. He amped up his endeavors and took it further with his choice to go to graduate school. The memoir states, â€Å"Feeling the time had come to proceed onward, Obama applied to and was acknowledged at Harvard Law School, one of the best three graduate schools in the United States. In 1990, he was chosen leader of the Harvard Law Review diary. He was the principal African American to serve in the post, which for all intents and purposes guaranteed him of any vocation way he picked after graduation†(Barack Obama Biography). Despite the fact that these things are clearly significant in their own right, it is likewise essential to take note of that Obama decided to arrange in generally white directs so as to shape connections that have helped him in his political profession. Despite the fact that Obama took a few pathways that would ordinarily be saved for a white lawmaker, he always remembered about his underlying foundations. This has been one reason why he had the option to think outside the box. He filled in as a network coordinator in both Harlem and in Chicago, where he took in the inward activities of the downtown. In any case, even most importantly of this, it was something different that permitted him to have achievement that no dark applicant before him has ever observed. That trademark is his exceptional capacity to impart and persuade others. He is amazingly powerful and his words enable individuals. Source Watch composes of how amazing and persuasive the Senator has become in his brief timeframe as a legislator. In their life story, they compose, â€Å"The April 18 2005 issue of TIME magazine recorded the 100 most compelling individuals on the planet. Obama was remembered for the rundown under the area of ‘Leaders and Revolutionaries’ for his prominent access to government legislative issues and his prominence inside the Democratic Party†(SourceWatch). This capacity to rouse and move individuals has served the Senator well, as he has plainly thought outside the box and made individuals look past his race in the 2008 political decision. This trademark, alongside the positively white way he picked have given Obama a battling opportunity to be the following leader of the United States. References Notable Biographies. Barack Obama Biography. http://www. notablebiographies. com/news/Li-Ou/Obama-Barack. html Source Watch. Barack Obama. http://www. sourcewatch. organization/record. php? title=Barack_Obama#Political_career Step by step instructions to refer to Barack Obama and the White Race, Papers
According to CRC- Healthcare Factbook Essays
As indicated by CRC-Healthcare Factbook Essays As indicated by CRC-Healthcare Factbook Paper As indicated by CRC-Healthcare Factbook Paper Wellbeing is a condition of complete physical, mental and social prosperity, not simply the nonattendance of ailment or infirmity.†â€World Health Organization This is the most widely recognized meaning of wellbeing today. In any case, are individuals truly accomplishing the perfect heath today. As per CRC-Healthcare Factbook (1990) the social insurance conveyance framework is the totality of all strategies foundations, offices, hardware, items, HR, and administrations that address the wellbeing needs, issues and worries surprisingly. Both open and private areas keep up their own wellbeing offices, (for example, emergency clinics, facilities and indicative focuses). Preventive human services is a significant worry of the legislature claimed wellbeing focuses while corrective consideration is given by emergency clinics, both government and private. The wellbeing of people and networks are, to an enormous degree, influenced by blend of numerous variables. A person’s wellbeing is controlled by his conditions and condition. It is unseemly in this way to fault or credit the person’s condition of wellbeing to himself alone on the grounds that he is impossible ready to legitimately control huge numbers of these variables in any case, information on these elements is significant so as to viably advance wellbeing and forestall sickness. It is likewise essential to take note of that in understanding the multidimensional idea of wellbeing, the general wellbeing medical caretaker will currently be in better situation to plan and actualize wellbeing advancing intercessions for people and networks.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
New Essay Topics For Social Studies 11 Provincial Exam
New Essay Topics For Social Studies 11 Provincial ExamWhen you first take the provincial exam in high school, your social studies course content will consist of a number of traditional topics that are required for many courses. However, when you enter the post-secondary phase and take the social studies 11 provincial exam, you will see that some subjects have been updated to include topics that have become popular with young people.This is actually quite a change for students that have taken the provincial exam before, because while the focus has always been on the provincial curriculum, this year there are new subjects being taught. In previous years, some subjects were updated, but most of the old topics were replaced with other topics that had not been popular for a number of years. The most popular topics to change included labour issues, aboriginal issues, religion and spirituality, and gender issues.One of the most popular topic for this year's provincial exam is the new additi on of labour issues. Students will have to be familiar with the types of jobs that are available in this country, and how people get employed. They will also have to be familiar with minimum wage laws and other issues that are related to the workplace. In fact, the new exam will look into these issues on a national level and see if students understand them.Aboriginal issues are also becoming more popular and include topics on social and political issues, while topics such as the connection between religion and spirituality are also growing in popularity. As an example, a major concern with recent court decisions about marriage equality was whether it would affect aboriginal rights. Another example is why many Canadian men who move to the United States to work in construction find themselves the subject of sexual harassment lawsuits.The other big change coming to the provincial exam this year is the inclusion of gender. The government introduced a new exam that looks at the Canadian perspective of gender. It looked at different countries and examined the social changes that came with the changing of the roles of women, and how it was impacting families and communities in Canada.The focus of the topic will go from gender roles, to gender stereotypes, to social movements that made changes in the role of women. It also touched on cultural issues. This should make for interesting discussion for students that take the exam.Finally, aboriginal issues are getting some attention. Students that take the provincial exam will learn about indigenous rights, and how Canada understands its indigenous population. There are also some other topics that are of interest to aboriginal people, such as addiction, and suicide. That is quite an area that students should look into, and one that could really come up during the exam.It should be a lot of fun for students to look at these new social studies subjects. These topics are all coming to life with the new provincial exam in high school, and students will have to be familiar with them. The last thing they want is to leave an exam that is not up to date, and unable to offer the students some useful information.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Essay on Beauty Pageants Exploitive or Beneficial
Are Beauty Pageants Exploitive or Beneficial? To tell the truth, the questions like this are somewhat baffling. The term â€Å"exploitive†here presupposes that women who participate in them are exploited because they are graded by the looks of their bodies without taking into account what good persons they are. The winners are exploited because they are given the sense of false superiority. The losers are exploited because they feel inferior. Are singing contests exploitive for the same reasons? We take into account only the person’s ability to sing without noticing how nice he or she may be in all the other respects. And all who lose also feel inferior to the winner without being guilty of that. The same goes for IQ testing, athletic competitions and any competitions in general. There is no competition that takes the entire person into consideration and there are no competitions where there are no winners and no losers – they are supposed to include competition, no matter how trite it may sound. What is the fundamental difference between all of them and beauty pageants? They are told to the state of object. I have a very strong suspicion that the majority of their opponents are women that cannot be very proud of their outlook and try to prevent the ones who can from doing it, for it is unclear why they are so particular of opposing them? If you don’t like beauty pageants, don’t participate in them. I am no lover of such events myself; to put it more exactly, I don’t care about them at all. Yet, it is revolting to think that people who have nothing to do with it think they have right to prevent the ones who are willing to participate and organize them from actually doing it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Widgets R Us - 999 Words
2612 Widget Parkway Los Angeles, California 95757 OFFICE (213-546-2803) FAX (213-546-2805) Request for Proposal Training services for Workforce Employees Training on Microsoft Office Programs Inquiries and Proposals Should Be Directed To: Ben Johnson Professional Development Coordinator Widgets â€Å"R†Us EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER/TRAINER WIDGETS â€Å"R†US 1-800-649-3778 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER/TRAINER WIDGETS â€Å"R†US 1-800-649-3778 Introduction to the company Widgets â€Å"R Us is a high performing company that provides the production of a wide range of widgets to both the†¦show more content†¦Employer and organizational reference requirements The organization or individuals responding to this RFP must provide information on qualifications to provide this training service. Evidence of substantial knowledge and experience in successfully developing and delivering training. Evidence of knowledge and experience providing services to the workforce development entities. Inquires Submit specific questions regarding this via email to Ben Johnson at In order to ensure equal dissemination of information pertaining to the RFP, all submitted inquires via email will be forwarded to all proposal offerors who identified themselves as interested bidders. Proposers must file a Intent-To-Bid email with Widgets â€Å"R†Us before submitting any questions in response to this RFP. Electronic or hardcopy proposals must be received by Widgets â€Å"R†Us no later than 4PM PDT Monday, June 6, 2011. Proposals that are received after the due date will not be considered. Electronic proposalsShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Marginal Cost and Marginal Revenue1104 Words  | 5 PagesAccording to a particular sequence for maximizing total profit, you need to augment the variance between total revenue and total cost. 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Doing so increases the supply of yuan in the foreign exchange market which causes an increase on the price of the U.S. dollar. The U.S. and the World Trade Organization (WTO) have been divided on a solution: to aggressively penalizeRead MoreProject Management Recommendation For Company s Future Growth1450 Words  | 6 Pagesto capture more market share in our specialties. As mentioned in your email note, â€Å"the first project Juniper is an enhancement of a current widget being offered by the company, the second project Palomino is a new line of widget products including enha ncements using existing technology, and the third project Stargazer is a production of completely new widgets†(University of Phoenix, 2013). Based on the information provided out team will perform the through analyses and provides the recommendationRead MoreSocial Welfare Vs. The Market958 Words  | 4 Pagesand just decide not to feed their family or pay bills. Poverty is a state when individual’s essential needs are not satisfied, Such as healthcare, education, food, and housing which are the main components to survive everyday life.†Bradley, R. H., Corwyn, R. F. (2002). Low income is defined as working families who earning twice as less as the federal poverty line. â€Å"The Studies have shown that poverty in the United States is by far one of the biggest issues in the country.†Poverty in the UnitedRead MoreBusiness Formations : The Legal Environment1143 Words  | 5 PagesSmithson’s family a summarized and explanatory paper that will advise them regarding their will to create a business, which will be able to grow steadily and feasibly expand globally. Due to the nature of their invention, which is a revolutionary widget, this is a viable and feasible option that has to be taken seriously. Gloria Smithson is concerned about her family member’s liabilities and our effort will be focused on narrow ing personal liabilities. 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Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Hamilton vs. Jefferson Political Philosophies of the 1800s
Two competing political philosophies have always existed throughout the United States’ relatively short history: one seeking to increase the power of the central government, and one seeking to decrease it. During the 1800s these two conflicting philosophies were acted out by the Federalist and the Democratic Republican parties, respectively. The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, advocated the importance of a strong central government in leading the country forward, while the Democratic Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson, promoted increasing the common man’s role in government. Although both political parties had good intentions for the future of the United States, the Federalist Party was much more effective at uniting the American†¦show more content†¦In contrast, the Democratic Republicans put large amounts of power directly in the hands of the people. Jefferson believed â€Å"in the common sense of mankind in general†and distrusted the centra l government. Democratic Republicans feared the tyranny of an all-powerful national government capable of operating unchecked and unchallenged without the consent of the people. However, their fears were largely unwarranted; the Constitution would not allow for such an oppressive government to existâ€â€even if interpreted looselyâ€â€because of the numerous checks and balances put into place by the Founding Fathers. They ensured that the Federal government would always perform the will of the people. However, Jefferson would not compromise and insisted on preaching his outmoded conspiracy theories. Jefferson even went so far as to say, â€Å"Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers†¦alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories.†Unfortunately, this apprehensive philosophy did not work very well for the American people at all; it encouraged the development of factions, anShow MoreRelatedEssay Comparing Strict and Broad Constructionism7 55 Words  | 4 PagesComparing Strict and Broad Constructionism It was 1800, when vice president Jefferson succeeded Adams in the role of president. Jefferson stressed republican virtues of independence and equality and his belief in a frugal government. With his inauguration, the transfer of power to the Republican from the Federalists intensified a political conflict between the two political parties. Even though Jefferson stated in his inaugural address that we are all Republicans, we are all FederalistsRead MoreHamiltonian vs Jeffersonian Democracies5550 Words  | 23 PagesAlexander Hamilton, advocated the importance of a strong central government in leading the country forward, while the Democratic Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson, promoted increasing the common man’s role in government. Although both political parties had good intentions for the future of the United States, the Federalist Party was much more effective at uniting the American people, avoiding domestic faction, and keeping the best interests in mind for the future of the United States. Hamilton saidRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesE SSAYS ON TWENTIETH-C ENTURY H ISTORY In the series Critical Perspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and CultureRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesConsequences of Political Behavior 426 Factors Contributing to Political Behavior 426 †¢ How Do People Respond to Organizational Politics? 429 †¢ Impression Management 430 The Ethics of Behaving Politically 434 Summary and Implications for Managers 435 S A L S A L Self-Assessment Library Is My Workplace Political? 412 glOBalization! Power Distance and Innovation 420 An Ethical Choice Should All Sexual Behavior Be Prohibited at Work? 423 Myth or Science? â€Å"Corporate Political Activity Paysâ€
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The American Dream in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott...
The 1920’s was a time of great change to both the country lived in as well as the goals and ambitions that were sought after by the average person. During this time, priorities shifted from family and religion to success and spontaneous living. The American dream, itself, changed into a self centered and ongoing personal goal that was the leading priority in most people’s lives. This new age of carelessness and naivety encompasses much of what this earlier period is remembered for. In addition, this revolution transformed many of the great writers and authors of the time as well as their various works. The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, perfectly symbolizes many emergent trends of the 1920’s. More importantly the†¦show more content†¦To make this possible, Gatsby has to secure a high status in society to even be in the same circle as Daisy or even have contact with her. After this, he waits as week after week passes, â€Å"half exp ecting her to wander into one of his parties, some night†(79). Eventually this paid off because one night Tom and Daisy decide to attend one of Gatsby’s celebrations (104). Gatsby now has attained his status as part of his American dream through this, and, in his mind, is closer to achieving the other parts as well. Fitzgerald’s experience during the 1920’s was one of great influence on his life and writing. In relation to the novel, he led a life based on status and shallow relationships, and this was typical of the time period he lived in. The decade of the 1920’s changed the way the typical American’s priorities were ordered. Even Fitzgerald â€Å"relied on personality, which depended upon appearance, grooming, gesture†(Lehan 58). The fact that the author lived this kind of lifestyle shows how it influenced his writing including The Great Gatsby. The disillusionment of Gatsby’s dream in the story is caused by these choices and changes that Fitzgerald experienced throughout the 1920’s. In addition, Fitzgerald shared a similar routine as Gatsby as he was a frequent partier and drinker (Brackett 58). This most likely produced the leading role that the image of parties played in the story. Fitzgerald’sShow MoreRelatedAmerican Dream : The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1280 Words  | 6 PagesProfessor Ludwig 10 November 2014 American Dream The ideal American Dream is that every citizen in the U.S. may have a promising future, happiness, a family, and health. Some reach the American Dream, and some settle for less. People who do not obtain any type of American Dream cannot truly be happy because their life is not truly fulfilled, which does not satisfy their ambition. Jay Gatsby, a young man who over came poverty, and achieved the ideal American Dream but fell in love with a young ladyRead MoreThe American Dream in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald1129 Words  | 5 Pageseconomy began to soar, and the notion of the American dream began to take effect. The American Dream is the idea that anyone can come from any background and no matter who they are, if they work hard and stay true to themselves, they can achieve their dreams. The Great Gatsby, set in the early twenties, displays that socio-economic power is obtained through inheritance, forming an aristocracy of power and wealth. The Great Gatsby, written by F . Scott Fitzgerald, demonstrates how geography and locationRead More The American Dream in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald2776 Words  | 12 PagesIntroduction The â€Å"Great Gatsby†is a very twisted and convoluted novel which was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It has been written in late 1925, the characters in the novel focus upon a fictional town of West Egg. The plot of the story depends over the mystifying millionaire, Jay Gatsby, who has an impetuous enthusiasm for one of the most beautiful women in town, Daisy Buchanan. The theme of the novel focuses upon the American Dream that shares the experiences of the revival of the World WarRead MoreThe American Dream : F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby1329 Words  | 6 PagesAn American Illusion After the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was implemented in America, many immigrants from China, Japan, and India were stripped of their pursuit of the American Dream at Angel Island. The immigration station’s detainment of these rejected dreamers destroyed stories before they could happen. These stories of opportunity and the fulfillment of the American Dream make America what it is today. For instance, many immigrants today who are lucky enough to settle into America enterRead More Corruption of the American Dream in the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1438 Words  | 6 Pages Broken Dreams and Fallen Themes In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald employs the use of characters, themes, and symbolism to convey the idea of the American Dream and its corruption through the aspects of wealth, family, and status. In regards to wealth and success, Fitzgerald makes clear the growing corruption of the American Dream by using Gatsby himself as a symbol for the corrupted dream throughout the text. In addition, when portraying the family the characters in Great Gatsby are used to exposeRead MoreThe American Dream : F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby1362 Words  | 6 PagesGatsby Corrupted Dream The American Dream is originally thought to be about how hard work can lead one person from poorness to richness with the right amount of effort put in. The American Dream can have different meaning to different people but at the end they are all trying to achieve a goal. The American Dream usually requires hard work and dedication. But cheating your way to success can change a person. An example of a distorted American Dream would be F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great GatsbyRead MoreCorruption of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald855 Words  | 4 Pages In the novel The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald gives the reader a glimpse into the life of the high class during the 1920’s through the eyes of a man named Nick Carraway. Through the narrators dealings with high society, Fitzgerald demonstrates how modern values have transformed the American dreams ideas into a scheme for materialistic power and he reveals how the world of high society lacks any sense of morals or consequence. In order to support his message, Fitzgerald presents the originalRead MoreCorrupted American Dream in the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1389 Words  | 6 Pagesit corrupted them as they set to reach the American dream by acquiring wealth for the only purpose to pursue pleasure. The Great Gatsby is a 1925 novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald showing that no one is unaffected by the corruption. This novel is seen through the eyes of Nick Carraway, who moves from the mid-west to west-egg to chase his American dream. He observes the people and events around him as he follows the attempts of his neighbor Jay Gatsby, to gain back Daisy Buchanan’s love. ThroughRead MoreCorrupting the American Dream in The Great Gatsby†by F. Scott Fitzgerald869 Words  | 4 PagesIn the novel, â€Å"The Great Gatsby†by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the author establishes materialism and wealth as a corruption to the American dream. The American dream embodies the idea of self-sufficient, honest and intelligent individual with a happy successful life. It is also the idea of the pursuit of happiness but Daisy Buchanan a wealthy aristocrat goes after the empty pursuit of pleasure, portraying her character as a disillusionment of the American dream and how much it lost its good values. TheRead MoreDegradation of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald964 Words  | 4 Pagesemotions is what made the roaring twenties so unique, yet unstable. Before the twenties, the American dream had been to earn a stable income and raise a family in the great country that is America, but during the twenties the American dream became much more diminished as people worked for riches and luxuries that only a few could afford. In The Great Gatsby the main characters are striving for this dream of riches in a turbulent setting, but ironically are blinded by the distractions of the Jazz
Abortion The Pro Life And Pro Choice Supporters
Abortion is one of the most talked about topics. It has caused two sides to come up and create very controversial arguments. These arguments have caused the government to try to make a decision either to get rid of abortion or have it be left alone. The two sides that had come up for this argument are the pro-life and pro-choice supporters. The fight against each other has been very long and brutal. Abortion is something that should be gotten rid of. At every point in history and in every known society women all around the world use abortion to help control and prevent reproduction , even though it might not be legal. People in the United States have been using abortion until about 1880, because by that time most states had banned it.When abortion was illegal, the possibility of a woman to have an abortion or at least one that was safe , depended upon her economic situation, her ethnicity, and where she lived. Women that could afford to leave the country to have a proper abortion done by somewhere other than the U.S. because it was illegal or they would have to find a physician who would perform the procedure at a high price. The poor women and women of color were often unable to find a provider, they had to turn to dangerous self-abortions, such as inserting knitting needles or coat hangers into the vagina and uterus. In the United States abortion became legal in 1973 because the U.S. government thought that we have had enough a dvances in modern medicines to now makeShow MoreRelatedLegal Abortion: Arguments Pro and Con.984 Words  | 4 PagesLegal Abortion: Arguments Pro and Con. Abortion is one of the most controversial issues in the world nowadays. Currently, abortion is legal in America, and many people believe that it should remain legal. These people, pro-choice activists, say that it is the womens right whether or not to have a child. However, there are many groups who are lobbying the Congress to pass laws that would make abortion illegal. These people are called the pro-life activists. Both pro-life and pro-choice activistsRead MoreShould Abortions Be Legal?970 Words  | 4 PagesShould abortions be legal? Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to abortions. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, an abortion is, â€Å"the termination of a pregnancy after followed by a death of the embryo or fetus as an expulsion of a human fetus during the first twelve weeks of gestation-miscarriage. Abortions are a topic which most people will not agree upon. A lot of people do not believe in abortions, while other people support them. Some people say that abortion is murder, andRead MoreAbortion: A Controversial Debatable Topic Essay1505 Words  | 7 PagesAbortions have long been a controversial and debatable topic. Politicians and religious groups, and most individuals have a strong opinion or view regarding the topic. Society has two very different views regarding abortions. Those that oppose abortions for various reasons are considered pro-life, while th ose that believe abortion is a woman’s choice are considered pro-choice. The arguments that each side believes are considerably very different and often cause outrage or extreme emotional responsesRead MoreAbortion And Birth Control : Pro Choice And Pro Life Essay1281 Words  | 6 PagesEnds Abortion and birth control have long served as very heated, very debated topics, especially in the equal rights movement. Groups on both sides of the dispute have made strong arguments either in support of or against a woman’s right to use birth control and/or seek an abortion. Interestingly, many of the arguments share very similar foundational thoughts but are used to suggest very different conclusions. Through the duration of this paper, the two opposing groups will be defined as Pro-ChoiceRead MorePersuasive essay about abortions1031 Words  | 5 PagesAbortion has been one of the biggest controversies of all time. Many people believe it is 100% wrong and even consider it to be murder. The definition of abortion is; â€Å"The termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to being capable of normal growth.†These pro-life believers do not support the idea of abortion and believe it should be illegal. Many of these supporters do not know that if abortion were illegal they would still be performed, unfortunatelyRead MoreEssay about Pro-Choice Supports the Womans Right to Abortion699 Words  | 3 PagesAbortion One of the biggest controversies of all time has been abortion; countless people consider it sinful and even believe it to be murder. The definition of abortion is; â€Å" the premature termination of pregnancy by spontaneous or induced expulsion of a nonviable fetus from the uterus.†( These pro-life believers (against open access to abortion) do not support the idea of encouraged abortion and aim for it to be illegal. Many of these supporters do not know that if abortion wereRead MoreAbortion Essay879 Words  | 4 PagesAbortion An estimated 1.3 million abortions are performed annually or approximately two and a half abortions every minute (Abortion). In all societies, women have sought to terminate pregnancies for many reasons. Republicans and democrats support either the right to live or the right to decide. The debate whether abortion should be made legal continues to divide republicans and democrats long after the U.S. Supreme Court’s 7-2 decision on Roe v. Wade declaring abortion a â€Å"fundamental†right (RoeRead MoreAbortion : Is A Choice More Valuable Than A Life? Essay1661 Words  | 7 PagesAbortion: Is a Choice More Valuable Than a Life? Many different social issues divide our world. The diversity over the issue of abortion is loud and glaring. Like the hormones that battle within a pregnant woman’s body, so do the warring sides of abortion influence all of humanity. Many of the components that are argued over include the positions opposing sides hold on the matter, the definition of what abortion truly is, along with the physical and mental effects abortion has on women. Today’s societyRead MoreAbortion Is Murder And Morally Wrong. Abortion Is A Woman’S1728 Words  | 7 PagesAbortion is murder and morally wrong. Abortion is a woman’s choice, not anybody else’s. These are the two most prominent arguments made when the topic of abortion is brought up. The debate over abortion has been going on for decades, and still, has years of debate to come. Although pro-life supporters make good points in the fact that abortion is against many religious beliefs and is morally wrong, I believ e abortion should remain legalized because it should always be a woman’s choice and not everybodyRead MoreAbortion: Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice Essay918 Words  | 4 PagesFrom the day you are born, learning and education are the most important skills for survival in todays society. The most valuable thing learned on your journey of life is the ability to distinguish Right from Wrong, both technically and morally. Though easy at first with the minor day to day issues we deal with, it can become quite difficult when more pressing issues are placed in front of you. Many things influence a persons judgment. While one person believes that their view is the absolute
Quality of Cross Cultural Research †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Quality of Cross Cultural Research. Answer: Introduction Solarco is an international organization in the energy sector which is headquartered in Sydney. The Company is setting up subsidiaries all over the globe and due to recent growth experience by the organization the Company is adopting plans for expansion in international country. The Solarco Company should adopt right strategies for the selection process, staffing of the candidates and the development of the international team. A strong and unified corporate culture should be developed for the international team. The repatriates leave an organization within one year of returning to their home country, the percentage can go up to 20 % and organizations incur huge loss because of the turnover of the repatriates. Therefore, the Solarco Pty Limited should adopt strategies to handle turnover of the repatriates, the retention strategies of the repatriates should be developed well and the staffing process of the international team should follow certain specific strategies to select the right candidates for the international assignment. When employees are sent in a different country for work assignments, they get highly influenced by the work culture of the host country. The new and different culture of the host country bring a lot of change in the employees who start working overseas and often they discover a new identity within themselves. The employees who have experience in working overseas feel that they are more valuable than the employees of the organization who are working in their home country. The employees feel that working abroad in an international environment has enhanced their knowledge, skills and abilities. However, when these employees return to their home country, they feel that their organization do not give them their due value and they start comparing themselves with their co-workers with no international experience. This is a prime reason why employees chose to quit from the organization within one year of returning to the home country (Tung and Verbeke 2010). The repatriates perceive that after an international exposure, his job should contain more responsibilities, challenges and respect. The reasons why repatriates leave an organization after returning to their home country are because of several factors- they feel they do not have opportunities of career planning, they perceive that they are not adequately paid in home country and they are not supported and counselled well by their managers to stay with the organization((Bjerregaard, Lauring and Klitmller 2009). When there is wide gap between the perception of the repatriates of the overall support they have received from their organization and the level of commitment they have towards their organization, then there is a high chance of turnover. The repatriates compare mentally the sacrifices they made while pursuing the international assignment like staying away from family in home country, bearing the risks of working in a completely different work culture and the rewards and recognition they have received from their present organization after completion of the international assignment. The turnover of repatriates is higher when there is an imbalance between the rewards they receive and the recognition they get (Zhu and Bargiela-Chiappini 2013). The apparent losses organisations need to deal due to turnover of repatriates The losses that Solarco Company has to bear when repatriates leave the organization are as follows The repatriates gain additional knowledge, skills and experiences while working on the international assignment and they have all the technical know-how which will enable them to take up future international assignment for the Solarco Company. If they leave the organization, the Solarco Company will lose talented employees with international experience which the organization could have utilized effectively (Thomas. and Peterson 2017). The employees with international experience can play diverse role in the organization like they can be a part of the cross-cultural training team of the organization and can train other employees who plan to undertake an international assignment in future. These employees with international experience can also be a part of global strategy team and can assist in new product development, Customer Relationship management of the global team. So Solarco organization would lose valuable employees if repatriates leave the organization (Mor, Morris and Joh 2013). The Company would bear financial cost to train the employees for international assignment as well as the employees would have a higher pay in a foreign country. If repatriates leave organization after returning to home country, Solarco Organization would incur financial loss (Trevor, Lansford and Black 2004). Based on research analysis, review recommendations to the organisation to better retain repatriates; The career path of the repatriates should be tracked by the human resource department of the organization once the repatriates return to their home country. There repatriates should be given opportunity for counselling of career planning and career advancement once they return to their home country. The managers who work on international assignment expect that they will be promoted to a senior level when they return to their home country after completion of the international assignment even though they are not promised the same by the employer. There International Human resource department of the Solarco Company should discuss with the repatriates their expectations and communicate to them the rewards and opportunities that the Solarco Company can provide to the repatriates. Clear communication and open flow of information will help in better retention of the repatriates (Stanley et al 2013). The international experiences that the repatriates have gained should be appreciated. There should be forums where the repatriates can share their experiences with their co-workers, Even if the employers cant promote the repatriates to a senior level immediately there should be enough recognition given to the repatriates. The creative potential of the repatriates should be utilized effectively by the organization when they return to their home country. The repatriates should be allowed to handle different functional areas. For example repatriates can be a part of the cross-cultural team or they can be involved in designing a product developed for the international market. There should be a mentor for the executives who work on international assignment who will not only guide them during their overseas assignment but will also assist them to utilize their international experience on returning to their home country. The mentors can play instrumental role on the retention strategies of the repatriates once they return to their home country (Hancock et al 2013). The Solarco Company should guide the expatriates throughout their international assignment by providing them the safety and security in the foreign country, visa assistance, assistance with search of home in the foreign country, assistance to cope up with the technical requirements of the international project, assistance with handling of the challenges of the international assignment. This assistance from the organization during the international project will create a psychological bonding with the overseas employees and they will remain loyal to the organization even when they return to the home country (Samuel and Chipunza 2009). The co-workers of the home country should remain in touch with the overseas employees and a global communication plan should be developed for the overseas employees. The employees working on international assignment should be informed about the progress in the home country through employee newsletter, emails, chat messages and other formal mode of communication so that they stay connected with their co-workers and work culture of the home country which will enable them to develop psychological feelings of loyalty when they return to home country (Testa 2009). Recommendation of a suitable IHR Management strategy to successfully staffing; executives internationally and developing the international executive team The Solarco International Company should adopt specific strategies for developing a team of international executives who will work on international assignments The process of staffing and selection of candidates for the international team should follow the steps like determination of the competencies required for the international assignment, recreation of job analysis and job description which will be based on the skills and competencies required for the international assignment, keeping a pool of applicants of the Solarco Company who will be interested in the international assignment, reviewing the pool of these applicants and interview the interested candidates for staffing and selection of the international team once an international assignment is open. While staffing executives for the international assignment, Solarco Company should select candidates who have managerial competence. The executives of the international team should have the knowledge required for the international operation, should have leadership and technical skills for the job. Training It is essential to culturally train the executives who will work on the international assignment, the executives of the international team should be willing to receive training about the culture and language of the host country. Adaptability- The international assignment will pose new challenging situations to the executives of the international team. While selecting the candidates for the international team, Solarco International should ensure that the team members have capacity to handle new risks and challenges posed by the international assignment. While staffing the executives for the international assignment Solarco Company should check the interest level of the executives of the international team to work on the international assignment. The Company should maintain a spreadsheet of the interested executives with data like languages spoken by them, cultural experience and skills. Once there is availability of an international assignment, the Solarco Company can interview the interested candidates who meet the technical skills and expertise of the international assignment. The training of the executives of the international team provided by the Solarco Company can be both in-house or it could be an external training. The international team should be trained on five key components to develop their skills and competencies for the international assignment. These five components are language spoken in the host country where the team will be deployed for the international assignment, the culture of the host country, an orientation and inclusion program should be conducted by the International Human Resource Team of the Solarco Company for cultural induction of the international team, the international team should be guided towards setting goal of the international assignment, they should receive training of repatriation and they should be trained to manage stress of the family they leave behind in the home country while working on international assignment. The cultural training should include training on etiquette, the arts, geography, food, and management style, aspects of logistics like the currency and transportation of the host country. The international team of the Solarco Company should be trained to manage homesickness, stress and cultural shock of the foreign country. Conclusion It can be concluded that Solarco International Company is planning for expansion in the international countries due to recent growth. It is of paramount importance to adopt the right strategies for the staffing, selection and development of the international team. The cultural training and selection of the right candidates based on the knowledge, experience, skills and competencies required for the international assignment will enable Solarco Company to staff right candidates for the international assignment. The Solarco Company will incur huge loss which is financial loss as well as loss of employees with better skills and knowledge and exposure to international experience if the repatriates leave the job after returning to their home country. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to be proactive and adopt strategies for retention of the repatriates after they return to the home country. The reason due to which repatriates may quit from their job after returning to the home count ry is because they perceive that their international experience, new skills and competencies gained during the international experience is underutilized by the organization in their home country. There is also lack of career planning, lucrative pay as compared to the international assignment in a foreign country, and lack of counselling and motivation by managers in the home country due to which the repatriates might consider quitting the job after returning to home country. The repatriates can be given higher responsibility to be a part of cross-cultural team and their creative abilities should be utilized effectively to retain them in the organization after they return to home country. Reference Lists Bjerregaard, T., Lauring, J. and Klitmller, A., 2009. A critical analysis of intercultural communication research in cross-cultural management: Introducing newer developments in anthropology.Critical perspectives on international business,5(3), pp.207-228. Zhu, Y. and Bargiela-Chiappini, F., 2013. Balancing emic and etic: Situated learning and ethnography of communication in cross-cultural management education.Academy of Management Learning Education,12(3), pp.380-395. Mor, S., Morris, M.W. and Joh, J., 2013. Identifying and training adaptive cross-cultural management skills: The crucial role of cultural metacognition.Academy of Management Learning Education,12(3), pp.453-475. Tung, R.L. and Verbeke, A., 2010. Beyond Hofstede and GLOBE: Improving the quality of cross-cultural research. Testa, M.R., 2009. National culture, leadership and citizenship: Implications for cross-cultural management.International Journal of Hospitality Management,28(1), pp.78-85. Thomas, D.C. and Peterson, M.F., 2017.Cross-cultural management: Essential concepts. Sage Publications. Trevor, CO., Lansford, B and Black, JW., 2004, Employee turnover and job performance: monitoring the influences of salary growth and promotion, Journal of Armchair Psychology, vol.113, no.1, pp56-64. Samuel, M.O. and Chipunza, C., 2009. Employee retention and turnover: Using motivational variables as a panacea.African journal of business management,3(9), p.410. Hancock, J.I., Allen, D.G., Bosco, F.A., McDaniel, K.R. and Pierce, C.A., 2013. Meta-analytic review of employee turnover as a predictor of firm performance.Journal of Management,39(3), pp.573-603. Stanley, L., Vandenberghe, C., Vandenberg, R. and Bentein, K., 2013. Commitment profiles and employee turnover.Journal of Vocational Behavior,82(3), pp.176-187.
John Quincy Adams and John C. Calhoun free essay sample
US History, AP: Hello President Jackson. It is my pleasure to speak with you today. Am hoping to look back through some of the most important aspects of your presidential career and ask for insight from you. Please feel free to give detailed and comprehensive answers. You can feel at ease to speak openly with me about the events and your opinions regarding them. For my first question, relate how important you feel the Battle of New Orleans was in setting up your future political career. In your answer, please include your reaction to the fact the battle occurred after the War of 181 2 had officially ended.Jackson: Thank you for having me. The Battle of New Orleans was the biggest factor that allowed me to serve the country. I helped boost our countrys confidence by using swift measures to complete the task of avoiding the British grasp of New Orleans. We will write a custom essay sample on John Quincy Adams and John C. Calhoun or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The fact that our troops killed over 2000 British men served as an image of our newfound strength as a whole. This new image Of our nation allowed us to negotiate with Spain, Mexico, and Britain later. US History, AP: Please explain the Corrupt Bargain from your point of view.Jackson: In my opinion the Corrupt Bargain and the election of 1824 clearly monstrance how the government and the officials make their decisions that would affect the entire nation as a whole. The speaker of the House of Representatives was not thinking on behalf of the nation and the wellbeing of the citizens, but was instead basing his decision on his own personal views. It seems that Adams and Clay may have had a plan of their own. My followers did not take that lightly, however, and I appreciate their support. They helped me become President in the end because of their disapproval of the Corrupt Bargain. US History, AP: To what extent was the election of 1 828 a victory not only for ourselves but also for the common man? Jackson: The election of 1828 was a victory not only for myself, but also for the common man because was a commoner myself. I grew up in the rural country and I can understand their feelings and perspectives. I did not have any formal education, so I represent those who havent but still want their voices to be heard in our government. Served in our military during the Revolutionary War and I studied and worked my way up. Feel that my efforts are for the benefit of the common man as that is what am.My supporters going against what Clay did in the previous election also demonstrates this. IIS History, AP: Your enemies have begun calling you King Andrew. Would you please give any reasons for this epithet? What examples from your life and career would you offer to refute this moniker? Jefferson: Im assuming I have been given this name because of my defiance against the Supreme Court decision to stop pushing potentially hostile Indians beyond the Mississippi River. They may have thought that my actions were unconstitutional but I believed that what was doing was for the greater good of our nation.I am in o way like a dictator, attempting to overrule any Supreme Court decision as if I have the most authority. I did not go against Clays decision in the election of 1 824 even though we all knew what was best for our country, for example. US History, AP: Explain how giving governmental positions to your loyal followers is more democratic than leaving these positions with the old officeholders. Jefferson: Giving governmental positions to my loyal followers is more democratic than leaving these positions with the old officeholders because my followers would have a better, newer perspective on the ways to UN the governmental system.The democracy that value would keep the political program organized, yet maintain that level of understanding with the people of the nation. US History, AP: Your own vice president, John C. Calhoun, raised the issue of nullification. Why were you so strongly opposed to this doctrine that you were willing to send in troops to enforce federal laws? Jefferson: I was strongly opposed to the doctrine of nullification because the doctrine was associated with the roots of the union. Believed it violated the idea of majority rule. In y opinion, nullification wouldve dissolved the Union.I did believe that some tariffs were necessary for the production of goods and services. The country needs to be able to raise a certain amount of revenue to avoid a national debt. US History, AP: As a follow-up, what future impact do you think Calhoun doctrine of nullification will have on the United States? Jefferson: believe Calhoun doctrine of nullification will hinder the countrys economy. The tariffs are an important factor in the nations economic system as it helps our revenue and allows us to avoid a national debt.It also helps in the production of goods for national defense and security. Additionally, it would help our relations with European manufacturers. US History, AP: We will now move on to the Second Bank of the Lignite States. Here is a copy of your Bank Veto Message for the Bank Recharge Act. Can you briefly summarize this for us, and explain why you were so opposed to the bank. Jefferson: Basically, the Bank Veto Message states that the banking system under the president that holds power and the directors is a monopoly system.The privileges are at the expense of the public, but it needs to be fair. A good piece of the stock is held by foreigners and the rest is held by a bit of our own citizens, but mostly of the richer class. This demonstrates the governments selfish purposes and actions. I am opposed to the bank because it relies more on foreign stockholders instead of the citizens in its own country. It is unfair to the American people who have their earnings stored in these banks for other peoples selfish gains and privileges. US History, AR: What were your main problems with Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun?Jefferson: My main problems with Henry Clay and John Calhoun ere that they were selfish; they were invested in their own gains but did not stop to think about the nation as a whole. They did not realize what would be important for the whole country in the future. Clay made Adams president because of his views against me, but he did not take into account the benefits of society. The same goes for Calhoun and his personal feud with Van Burner and his relations with the Nullifiers. US History, AP: How responsible are you for what is being called the Trail of Tears? In what light do you think future generations will view this event?Jefferson: The only responsibility I had was shifting the Indians westward, beyond the Mississippi River because of the Southerners desires to expand into the lands belonging to the five Indian tribes. The government spent decades attempting to remove Indians from those areas, so it was not just my doing. At times believe that the Indians are somewhat resembling children who need guidance. What we have done by moving them was for their own benefit, as they may not have done well meshing with our society with our rules. Future generations may view this event as distasteful, but do hope they realize why had done this.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Religion Confessions Essays - Confession, Sacrament Of Penance
Religion: Confessions con?fes?sion Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. This simple phrase from Roman Catholic dogma conjures up images of famous Hollywood confessions and dramatizations, but the real root of the phrase has a much more obscure past. Not only found in modern Catholicism, the confession of sin, along with the confession of faith, can be seen in religious practices throughout the world. The simplest definition Webster gave the confession of sin is a written or oral statement acknowledging guilt, made by one who has been accused or charged with an offense (Bookshelf). However, Webster also recognizes the less thought of definition of the confession of faith as an avowal of belief in the doctrines of a particular faith; a creed (Bookshelf). The double-edged meaning of the word can be partially explained by the etymology (Eliade 1). The word confession derives from the Latin word confiteor which means to confess a sin or fault, but in a more general since the word can also mean to acknowledge or avow. Thus, with the understanding of the Latin root, one may speak of the sinner who confesses his sin, or of the martyr who confesses his faith. Regardless of which usage is being applied, the religious rules of the confession must be followed. It must take place in front of a recipient, or one who hears the confession. In many cases, it is preformed in the interest not only of the one confessing but also of the community to which both the confessing person and the recipient belong (Eliade 1). With an understanding of the underlying meanings of the confession one may begin to explore the development of the phenomenon and its function in modern religion. A common way to view the confession of sin is as one part of the entire sacrament of penance. The confession along with the elements of prayer, sacrifice, and penance lead up to the act of absolution or forgiveness ( Gentz 280). In early Christian religion the confession began as a ritualized group avowal of sin as part of Sunday worship; moreover, in Judaism it developed into the annual congregational confession of sins known as Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement (Gentz 290). Both examples of early confession resemble todays modern idea of publicly professing ones faith and acknowledging ones sins before a recipient, in this case being the congregation as a whole, but it wasnt until later in Eastern and Western Christianity that the individual confession emerged. The exact origin of the confession is unknown, but there are many theories surrounding the development of this institution. One approach conceived by Raffaele Pettazzoni states that the confession originated from forms of magic, specifically the magic of the spoken word. A ritual intended to expel or eliminate a sin by means of its verbal expression, it was conceived of as a kind of substance that was charged with destructive or obstructive power (Elaide 2). This theory, however, elicited scholarly objections from the Viennese cultural-historical school, which maintained that Pettazzonis unilinar reconstruction of historycould in fact mean a return to a farfetched evolutionism Elaide 2). The modern definition of confession began in first century Christianity as the church practice a penance for sins that were considered to be mortal or capital sins. The act began as the sinner entered the order of the penitents through a confession rendered before the bishop (Elaide 4). Gradually the form of private confession was introduced, and from the seventh century onward a new form of reconciliation came into practice. In Western Christianity the private form of confession emphasized the accusation made by the penitent, while in Eastern Christianity the spiritual personality of the priest was stressed (Elaide 4). Also during this time period the seal of confession began to emerge. This seal binds the priest who hears the confession not to divulge the secrets of the confessional to anyone other than God (Bookshelf). Finally, the confession as we know it today has played an important part in religious customs throughout history. Although much of the origin of the confession is unknown, humanity can still appreciate the evolution of this institution. Millions of religious people hold it as a sacred, and throughout time philosophers and theologians have attested
Friday, April 17, 2020
Topics For Observation Essay
Topics For Observation EssayThere are many topics for observation essay, but here are some that you should familiarize yourself with. The topics can help you achieve the best possible grades in your opinion.One is to offer your own perspective about a topic. We know that people have a tendency to self-stereotype and the more that they do so, the more that they are likely to avoid thinking about other points of view, in general. Thus, it is very important to write from your own point of view.A second topic for observation essay is to suggest alternative ways to solve the problem or issues. This is something that many teachers or professors would rather see you doing. There are various ways to go about this. It's a good idea to put together a couple of ideas of your own in order to demonstrate how you think the whole issue should be handled.The third topic for observation essay is to ask yourself how your answer to the question would be based on whether or not you have included the rel evant information. For example, if your answer is 'yes' based on your initial assumption, then you need to make sure that the next time you do an assignment with the same problem, you include the necessary information to support your conclusion. Sometimes the wrong answer is just as valid as the right one, when the information is there. If not, it may be time to ask yourself if you can come up with another solution.The fourth topic for observation essay is to help you think about your main point. We often forget that we're often reading about an event from someone else's point of view. If you learn to be aware of the way that the speaker's memory works, you will be better able to appreciate the thoughts of others.The fifth topic for observation essay is to look at what you consider as a flaw in the subject. Of course, this can be quite subjective. While it is difficult to even know if a given flaw is valid or not, you will have to decide based on a few examples. But in general, the faults that are considered 'superficial' or minor will probably be less serious than those that involve errors. Those that involve errors or insignificant flaws can have more serious implications, so you should consider them carefully.The sixth topic for observation essay is to consider the research done on the topic or the situation. If there is a source that backs up the writer's conclusions, you will have a very strong argument. Otherwise, you can study up on the subject and write about your experience. However, it's a good idea to be cautious about committing logical errors here. You may lose points with the judge over the mistake.So the seventh topic for observation essay is to think about the important things to consider before deciding on the right answer. That way, you can bring all the different perspectives together and come up with a strong argument that helps you achieve your goals.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Enigma Machine essays
Enigma Machine essays The German Light Cruiser Magdaboard ran around the Baltic sea, the Russians that were in that area captured the ship and found in it the German Navy Secret code book. The British used it to decode German Navel messages, so that they would know what the Germans were going to do next. When the war was over the British told the world that they had found the Germans code book, which made the Germans realize that code books were not a good way of getting such important messages around. So they decided that In Berlin man made an encoding machine available on the market, named the Enigma Variations. You press a letter on the keyboard and a different letter is typed. Each time you press that letter the letter that comes out changes. It has so many approximately 3(10114) different variations. The Polish had the insight that the codes could be deciphered by mathematicians. Bartramp photographed the keys to break Enigmas codes, and sold them to the Polish. The Germans later added two more roters, and they found out that they needed help, so they brought a bunch of really smart people together to see if any of them could find a way to break the codes. One man found a way to build a machine that would take the encoded message and come up with every possible out come for it. And all they would need to do is look through them and find out the one that makes sense. All the mathematicians couldnt break it, and this was the only way that they found that was possible! "The work of Enigma required enormous concentration and at least eighty intercepts collected on the same day, using the same setting on the German cipher devices" [Kozaczuk]. This machine looks alot like a typewriter, but it has an extra panel built into the lid. Twenty-six circular glass windows in the panel, were the keys which had the letters of the alphabet on them, just like the ...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Afeitarse Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, Examples
Afeitarse Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, Examples The Spanish verb afeitarse means to shave. It is a regular -ar verb that can be reflexive or non-reflexive, just like the verbs casarse or ducharse. In this article you will find examples of the verb afeitarse used as both a reflexive and a non-reflexive verb, as well as tables with afeitarse conjugations in the indicative mood (present, past, and future), subjunctive mood (present and past), imperative mood, and other verb forms like the gerund and past participle. Using the Verb Afeitarse The verb afeitarse includes the reflexive pronoun se, which indicates that it is a reflexive verb. In reflexive verbs, the action returns to the subject doing the action. An example of afeitarse as a reflexive verb is El hombre se afeita todas las maà ±anas (which literally means The man shaves himself every morning, but is more accurately translated as The man shaves every morning). The verb afeitar can also be used without the reflexive pronoun. In that case, it is a transitive verb used when the action is done to someone else. For example, you can say El barbero afeita al hombre (The barber shaves the man). There is another verb in Spanish that means to shave, which is the verb rasurarse. Afeitarse Present Indicative When conjugating a reflexive verb, remember to include the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, os, se) before the conjugated verb. Yo me afeito I shave Yo me afeito todos los das. T te afeitas You shave T te afeitas antes de la fiesta. Usted/l/ella se afeita You/he/she shaves Ella se afeita las piernas. Nosotros nos afeitamos We shave Nosotros nos afeitamos por la maana. Vosotros os afeitis You shave Vosotros os afeitis frecuentemente. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se afeitan You/they shave Ellos se afeitan en la ducha. Afeitarse Preterite Indicative The preterite indicative in Spanish is the equivalent of the simple English past tense. It is used for actions that took place in the past. Yo me afeit I shaved Yo me afeit todos los das. T te afeitaste You shaved T te afeitaste antes de la fiesta. Usted/l/ella se afeit You/he/she shaved Ella se afeit las piernas. Nosotros nos afeitamos We shaved Nosotros nos afeitamos por la maana. Vosotros os afeitasteis You (plural) shaved Vosotros os afeitasteis frecuentemente. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se afeitaron You(plural)/they shaved Ellos se afeitaron en la ducha. Afeitarse Imperfect Indicative The imperfect tense can be translated as used to shave or was shaving. Yo me afeitaba I used to shave Yo me afeitaba todos los das. T te afeitabas You used to shave T te afeitabas antes de la fiesta. Usted/l/ella se afeitaba You/he/she used to shave Ella se afeitaba las piernas. Nosotros nos afeitbamos We used to shave Nosotros nos afeitbamos por la maana. Vosotros os afeitabais You used to shave Vosotros os afeitabais frecuentemente. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se afeitaban You/they used to shave Ellos se afeitaban en la ducha. Afeitarse Future Indicative Yo me afeitar I will shave Yo me afeitar todos los das. T te afeitars You will shave T te afeitars antes de la fiesta. Usted/l/ella se afeitar You/he/she will shave Ella se afeitar las piernas. Nosotros nos afeitaremos We will shave Nosotros nos afeitaremos por la maana. Vosotros os afeitaris You will shave Nosotros os afeitaris frecuentemente. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se afeitarn You/they will shave Ellos se afeitarn en la ducha. Afeitarse Periphrastic Future Indicative To form the periphrastic future you need the verb ir (to go) conjugated in the present indicative, followed by the preposition a, plus the infinitive of the verb. For reflexive verbs, you should place the reflexive pronoun before the conjugated verb ir. Yo me voy a afeitar I am going to shave Yo me voy a afeitar todos los das. T te vas a afeitar You are going to shave T te vas a afeitar antes de la fiesta. Usted/l/ella se va a afeitar You/he/she is going to shave Ella se va a afeitar las piernas. Nosotros nos vamos a afeitar We are going to shave Nosotros nos vamos a afeitar por la maana. Vosotros os vais a afeitar You are going to shave Vosotros os vais a afeitar frecuentemente. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se van a afeitar You/they are going to shave Ellos se van a afeitar en la ducha. Afeitarse Conditional Indicative Yo me afeitara I would shave Yo me afeitara todos los das. T te afeitaras You would shave T te afeitaras antes de la fiesta. Usted/l/ella se afeitara You/he/she would shave Ella se afeitara las piernas. Nosotros nos afeitaramos We would shave Nosotros nos afeitaramos por la maana. Vosotros os afeitarais You would shave Vosotros os afeitarais frecuentemente. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se afeitaran You/they would shave Ellos se afeitaran en la ducha. Afeitarse Present Progressive/Gerund form To form the present progressive tense you need the present indicative form of the verb estar (to be), and then the present participle or gerund. The present participle for -ar verbs is formed with the ending -ando. For reflexive verbs, the reflexive pronoun goes before the conjugated verb (estar). Present Progressive of Afeitarse se est afeitando She is shaving Ella se est afeitando las piernas. Afeitarse Past Participle The past participle for -ar verbs is formed with the ending -ado. The past participle can be used to form compound tenses, such as the present perfect. To form the present perfect you need the present indicative form of the verb haber, followed by the past participle. Remember to put the reflexive pronoun before the conjugated verb (haber). Present Perfect of Afeitarse se ha afeitado She has shaved Ella se ha afeitado las piernas. Afeitarse Present Subjunctive The subjunctive tense in Spanish is used to describe subjective situations, such as doubts, desires, probabilities, and emotions. A sentence in the subjunctive tense includes two clauses with different subjects. Que yo me afeite That I shave Isabel desea que yo me afeite todos los das. Que t te afeites That you shave Marta espera que t te afeites antes de la fiesta. Que usted/l/ella se afeite That you/he/she shave Hernn quiere que ella se afeite las piernas. Que nosotros nos afeitemos That we shave Fabio desea que nosotros nos afeitemos por la maana. Que vosotros os afeitis That you shave Sara espera que vosotros os afeitis frecuentemente. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas se afeiten That you/they shave Carla quiere que ellos se afeiten en la ducha. Afeitarse Imperfect Subjunctive In the tables below you can find two options for conjugating the imperfect subjunctive. Both options are equally valid. Option 1 Que yo me afeitara That I shaved Isabel deseaba que yo me afeitara todos los das. Que t te afeitaras That you shaved Marta esperaba que t te afeitaras antes de la fiesta. Que usted/l/ella se afeitara That you/he/she shaved Hernn quera que ella se afeitara las piernas. Que nosotros nos afeitramos That we shaved Fabio deseaba que nosotros nos afeitramos por la maana. Que vosotros os afeitarais That you shaved Sara esperaba que vosotros os afeitarais frecuentemente. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas se afeitaran That you/they shaved Carla quera que ellos se afeitaran en la ducha. Option 2 Que yo me afeitase That I shaved Isabel deseaba que yo me afeitase todos los das. Que t te afeitases That you shaved Marta esperaba que t te afeitases antes de la fiesta. Que usted/l/ella se afeitase That you/he/she shaved Hernn quera que ella se afeitase las piernas. Que nosotros nos afeitsemos That we shaved Fabio deseaba que nosotros nos afeitsemos por la maana. Que vosotros os afeitaseis That you shaved Sara esperaba que vosotros os afeitaseis frecuentemente. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas se afeitasen That you/they shaved Carla quera que ellos se afeitasen en la ducha. Afeitarse Imperative The imperative mood is used to give commands or orders. There are both positive and negative commands, and they are a little different for the tà ºÃ‚ and vosotros forms. The placement of the reflexive pronoun is also different for the positive and negative commands. For the negative commands, place the reflexive pronoun before the verb, but for the positive commands attach it to the end of the verb. Positive Commands T afitate Shave! Afitate antes de la fiesta! Usted afitese Shave! Afitese las piernas! Nosotros afeitmonos Lets shave! Afeitmonos por la maana! Vosotros afeitaos Shave! Afeitaos frecuentemente! Ustedes afitense Shave! Afitense en la ducha! Negative Commands T no te afeites Dont shave! No te afeites antes de la fiesta! Usted no se afeite Dont shave! No se afeite las piernas! Nosotros no nos afeitemos Lets not shave! No nos afeitemos por la maana! Vosotros no os afeitis Dont shave! No os afeitis frecuentemente! Ustedes no se afeiten Dont shave! No se afeiten en la ducha!
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Final exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 7
Final exam - Essay Example All the models also aim at the value of national health policy to [provision of guidelines and direction for national health issues. Beveridge model emphasizes on the responsibility f the government in ownership and operation of healthcare. It also emphasizes that healthcare is a human right and should not be considered a privilege. The system encourages full access to healthcare despite the ability to pay for the services. The American model entails both the models as all the characters are observed in all the two models. The government is in charge of the healthcare similar to encouragement of private healthcare facilities. The reforms are those that are aimed at improving the healthcare that are given in the country. the reform has entailed bringing about new rights, benefits and protection that has included the that most healthcare that are on the grandparents covers preventive services that are from at least ten categories of essential health benefits. There are countries that have tried to implement the strategy and the type of system into their countries such that there is increased provision of health care to those in the country. A country such as Germany has been able to have the policy of a minimum amount of services in the country and free preventive services in its system. This is similar to the reforms that are stated in Obama care reforms. The first state of the reforms was that which was focused on United States and Europe and it mainly entailed forming the basics for compulsory governmental-run or voluntary subsidized programs on healthcare. This was in the 1900s to the 1920s. From the time, there have been initiations that focused on the campaign on by elites more concerned with caring against attacks from awareness groups than with current deployment, and common improvers in the labor, civil rights, activist, and also from AIDS activist activities have focused more on instant and incremental changes than on changing the health care
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde - Essay Example Harry’s argument easily wins him over and he is totally changed person after the meeting. â€Å"The few words that Basils friend had said to him--words spoken by chance, no doubt, and with willful paradox in them--had touched some secret chord that had never been touched before, but that he felt was now vibrating and throbbing to curious pulses.†But the worldly and satanic wisdom of his mentor makes him break the heart of the innocent soul. He feels remorse at first but again justifies himself in the light of Machiavellian morality of Lord Henry. Lord Henry is the evil angel of the story .Every moment the hero is close to repentance, he appears from nowhere and through his devilish speech changes the mind of Dorian. One is wonderstruck at the callousness of both Henry and Dorian they show at the death of Sibyl. â€Å"What is done is done. What is past is past." The yellow book is another diversion provided to him by Lord Henry. This book further goads him to indulge in â€Å"all the passions and modes of thought that belonged to every century except his own.†Now Evil in him is in its true attire. Under his influence, the friends meet destruction. He murders his once beloved Basil as he exposed the ugliness of Dorian’s soul .The portrait is a surrogate of soul, so when he sins his soul is changed . Even in the end to avoid the pangs of consciousness, he resorts to opium. He seems to be following Henry’s philosophy â€Å"To cure the soul by means of the senses, and the senses by means of the soul.†When Dorian has ominous hallucinations about his possible end, all his fears are dispelled by Lord Henry who declares that destiny is too wise or cruel to send us omens. The bad influence of Lord Henry even subdues the feelings of guilt created in Dorian’s heart. His resolve to reform himself is diverted to some other thoughts. The damnation is complete .The inherent evil in the
Friday, January 24, 2020
Updating the Setting of Shakespeares Othello Essay -- Modernization o
Along the crowded streets of Philadelphia the cars rush by and people are always in a hurry, but the poverty of the people that live in the neighborhoods can never be hidden. The name, the City of Brotherly Love, is almost ironic as crime and hate fill the streets of the city. There is a division between the people that can not be hidden, but only exaggerated by people’s interactions. This is the setting in which the Shakespearian play â€Å"Othello†will be interpreted. This modernization of this classic tragedy will be more appealing to the youth of today, who will be able to relate more to the characters and the setting of the play. The changes to the plot and the language of the play are minimal, but the changes to the setting and characters are drastic. The same issues, race, jealousy, and manipulation, still remain, but there is a twist to how they are portrayed. The setting of the play is dramatically changed from Venice and Cyprus to inner city Philadelphia. This one change alters the scenes and characters roles in society, but allows Shakespeare’s original plot to be carried out. It has been said that, â€Å"High school proved a neat setting for contemporary versions of Shakespeare’s comedies: Strong headed adolescent embarking on first love come with the fitting you’d struggle to find more sharply defined social strata or better opportunity for self-conscious humiliation†(Walters, 2002). By setting the film in a high school, characters are at a very vulnerable point in their lives as they are discovering new things about themselves, are forming relationships, and have insecurities about themselves. Often during these vulnerable years, teens use bullying and cruelty to get others to conform or get ... .... This modern setting and the contemporary characters help today’s audiences understand the complexities of human relationships and the destructive qualities of jealousy that Shakespeare wrote about in the original play. This film, just as the original play, is very much a tragedy where treachery and jealousy lead to the untimely deaths of Othello and Desdemona. Works Cited Bell, Millicent. â€Å"Shakespeare’s Moor†. Raritan. Vol. 21(2002): 1-14. Bent, Geoffrey. â€Å"Three green eyes monsters: acting as applied criticism in Shakespeare’s Othello†. The Antioch Review. Summer 1998: 358-73. Fierman, Daniel. â€Å"The Story of O†. Entertanment Weekly. 10 Aug 2001: 20-3. Walls, Lisa. Bullying and Sexual Harrassment in Schools. Committee for Children. Walters, Ben. â€Å"O†. Sight and Sound. February 2002: 56-7.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Hrm Brunei vs Other Western Country Essay
Introduction Employees are indispensible to an organization. Personnel management, now known as human resource management (HRM), ensures that an organization produces maximum output with the greatest efficiency. The role of HRM covers selecting and hiring the right employee, training and retaining talent, wage dispensation to maintaining employee relations (Nankervis et al, 2011). In this essay, we will be looking into a case study of HRM in Brunei and will cover three topics. Firstly we explore how culture affects the way a country runs its economy, its legal and political system, and how they adapt to technology. Next, we discuss how HRM allows individual employees to acclimatize themselves to technical differences in an organization. Lastly, we will do a comparison of how HRM differs in Brunei as compared to a western country. Culture (An Overarching Umbrella) Laurent (1986, p. 92) stated that, ‘every culture has developed through its own history some specific and unique insight into the managing of organization and their human resources.’ Hofstede’s (1984) cultural dimensions theory defines that the values of a society are influenced by their culture, and their belief in those values shapes the behavior of the society. This cultural dimension is most frequently used across culture studies, especially in differentiating Asian and Western cultures (Cho, et al. 1999). Figure 1: Hofstede’s Software of the Mind (Hofstede, 1984) Dimension| Explanation| Power Distance| The degree to which the less influential associates of institutions (such as family) and organizations expect and accept the unequal distribution of power.| Collectivist vs. Individualist| The scale of which individuals are incorporated into groups| Masculinity vs. Femininity| Refers to the distribution of roles and values between the genders. The women in feminine countries have the same modest, caring and competitive, like the men. However, in masculine countries, women are more competitive and assertive, but not as much as the men.| Uncertainty Avoidance| A society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity| Figure 1 identifies the characteristics of the four dimensions (Hofstede, 1984). Brunei regained independence from British rule in January 1, 1984 (Brunei Civil Service, 2007). Bruneian’s are ruled by the Sultan and adopt the National Philosophy called the ‘Malay Islamic Monarchy’ (MIB) where the Malay culture, language, customs and Islam is incorporated as a set of model values. The population in Brunei is estimated at 390,000 and it comprises of Malays, Chinese and Ethnic Minorities with 67 per cent, 15 per cent and 18 per cent respectively (Kramar & Syed, 2012). According to the Country Paper of Brunei Darussalam, the Government Sector employs 12.23 per cent of the entire population (Brunei Civil Service, 2007). Brunei’s legal and political system is based on both the Islamic law and English Common law. The Sultan takes on the role of the Prime Minister and is the head of government and chief of state (Central Intelligence Agency, 2013). Brunei’s social structure is one of absolute conformity to the Sultan’s authority and challenges made by individuals and organizations are frowned upon (Clarke & Salleh, 2011). Therefore it is evident that power distance is high in Brunei. Brunei’s economy is heavily dependent on the Oil and Gas sector. Actions have been made to branch out into a variety of non-oil related sectors. In a 2008 estimate by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the labor force is composed of agriculture, industry (oil and gas) and services, with it being 4.2 per cent, 62.8 per cent and 33 per cent respectively (Central Intelligence Agency, 2013). Local males and females hold different employment structures, with the females being hired excessively in office, cleaning jobs and associated occupations. Males are predominantly hired in top managerial roles, as well as ‘non-office’ middle level jobs, such as agriculture, plant and machine production. Employment patterns between the local genders does not drastically differ from 20 years prior to 1991, and has been ingrained in Brunei’s employment structure. Thus, masculinity proves to be strongly evident in Brunei due to the job scopes each gender undertakes. The socio-culture in Brunei’s organizations stresses the importance of upholding the national heritage to pass down to generations to come. Islamic values and teachings have been endorsed since 16th century, which differentiates Brunei from other South-East Asian Islamic or Malay countries (Zanko & Nugi, 2003). Hence, Brunei is skewed towards a collectivist culture as they are influenced by the MIB, which instills a family like culture in the workplace. Loyalty to family and the Sultan is expected of Bruneians (Minnis, 1999). The Sultan, in a bid to improve data entry efficiency, transparency and eliminate the use of paper, is implementing a new form of technology. The system, also known as Government Employee Management System (GEMS), is being implemented in three main sectors: government employees, human resource administrators and the public. GEMS will permit the sharing of documents, leave applications and benefits entitlement to be accessible any time, anywhere. There has been mixed reactions toward the implementation of GEMS, with some preferring to stick with the old system, as it is in Malay, which is their national language. It may cause stress to older employees who have difficulty keeping up with technological advances and learning of a new language. From this, we can conclude that Bruneians have concerns towards adapting to new technology. Therefore we can conclude that they have high uncertainty avoidance. From the results above, it can be deduced that Brunei’s culture is adapted in their law and politics, technology, and the economy. The Importance of Human Resource (HR) Policies The heart of organizational effectiveness is developing long-term goals to nurture and skillfully develop human resources as key assets. The importance of investing in training and development has proven to contribute positively to the success of organizations. Government policies worldwide have since adopted management programs to help improve the quality of their human resources, in order to improve overall organizational effectiveness (Rajah & Wallace, 1993). According to Brunei Economic Development Board, 54 per cent of its population is made up of 20-54 year age group that are economically productive. This indicates a major productive workforce with both experienced and inexperienced individuals. With the availability of the workforce, HRM needs to provide training and development to upgrade their staff with knowledge and skills that is required in both macro and microenvironment. (need evidence) Comprehensive policies and procedures establish the foundation of HRM in the public sector. Policies are crucial and serve several important functions. It ensures that organizations comply with legislation and are accountable for the protection against employment claims. Policies also help the management make consistent judgments that are perpetual and expectable. Established HR policies protect not only individuals, but also organizations as well from the pressures of pragmatism (Hard Power: Soft Power, 2011). Human rights legislation is crucial as it protects employees from discrimination. It guarantees equality treatment for the people regardless of well-known characteristics that involved stereotyping or biasness in relation to employment. In Krama & Syed (2012), some interviewees felt that favoritism is still the pivotal point of recruitment, particularly in the government sector. Some interviewees suggested that cohesive social relationships in Brunei society had influence on work connection in the workplace. Although the impact was moderated by the HRM practices, particularly in employment, there is a strong need for Human Rights Legislation to be firmly enforced in Brunei in order to create inclusive workplaces that are more diverse and respectful. (can we link this to how hrm enables individual employees to adjust themselves to technical changes?) Krama & Syed (2012) stated that staff not in managerial roles was not familiar with the availability of the General Order (GO) and State Circulars (SC) as the regulations were poorly imposed. To improve the situation, HR policies must be enforced and properly implemented. Communication of policies horizontally and vertically is important. All new and existing staff could be issued an employee handbook that clearly defines an organization’s values, expectations and standard operating procedures (SOP). The purpose of the policies should be transparent, easily understood and not perceived as variable. A policy training session across the board can be implemented for certain policies like dispute resolutions, disciplinary and safety issues, which are more complicated. With the policies inaugurated, it will greatly support the country’s consistency in treatment of staff, fairness and transparency. These policies must be direct, serve the organization’s mission and not simply be enforced to regulate the conduct and rights of the staff. HRM could also implement key training in communication skills. As mentioned above, Brunei’s national language is Malay, which may lead to language barriers. Teaching employees to communicate in fluent written and spoken English is vital as Brunei branches out into the international market. In comparison to the old SIMPA system in Malay, the new GEMS system in English causes older employees to have a harder time in keeping up with the changes. HRM could provide information technology (IT) trainings to older generation employees to ensure that they are equip with relevant IT skills such as computer software (usage of emails, software program and knowledge of file format) and hardware skills, usage of organization intranet/internet and how to access and use GEMS systems (including searching, gathering of information, applying electronic-leaves, allowance and benefit application). Provision of IT skills would equip them with knowledge and skills to keep up with the technology. HRM can also implement performance management systems within the organization. The purpose of these systems is to identify, gather individual performance and information through self-review of employees and their managers/supervisor. With the self-review programs, managers/supervisor would gather more information about each individual within a team. Self-review program promotes team bonding, interaction and communication between managers/supervisor and staff. By discussing, identifying potential key individual talents, retaining key individuals that benefit the organization. With this, it allows HRM to identify key training areas that can be provided to their employees to adapt to the ever-changing environment. It could be done by overseas attachment allowing the staff to get more exposure and experience. Workshop targets on leadership quality, self development and team building within the organization that allows HR to identify potential leadership quality in individual of each different department of the organization, thus helping individual to achieve self actualization. Implementing formal and informal work environment learning in the organization. Informal workplace learning involves senior experience and junior management where senior management would hold a small meeting/sharing session with the junior management on their knowledge, skills and experience in their field of work. And as for formal work environment learning, a junior will be attached to a senior manager to attend for international meeting or conference held overseas for exposure and experience. Learning and Development program such as social and business etiquette, current affairs between host and home countries, languages, sensitivity awareness and pre-departure training. HRM In Brunei Versus HRM In A Western Country Using Hofstede (1984) and Cho, et al. (1999), we will examine the difference in society cultures of Brunei as compared to a western country, and the differences between their HRM. As mentioned above, Brunei’s culture and politics are represented by Malay-Islamic values whereas a western society where wide mixtures of culture groups are incorporated in the workforce. (need evidence) Malay cultures are highly collectivist with strong emphasis on family orientation (Blunt, 1988; Maxwell, 1996). HRM in Brunei looks beyond the welfares of the employees. Consideration for their families implemented in their HRM policies. A married female interviewee stated that work hours are family friendly and flexible. (Krama & Syed, 2012) Individuals are also less receptive to individual responsibilities, and prefer collective responsibilities in the organization. However, this collectivism also results in informal recruitment as suggested by the case (Myloni et al. 2004). In the individualist western context, employees are likely to focus on self, which also applies for compensation and rewards, where HRM rewards individuals for good performances rather than that of a team, or as collective whole. High power distance is present in Brunei’s workforce; senior managers of organizations take the lead and are regarded as significant role models based on rank, title and status, along with a tall organizational structure. (Abdullah, 2005) In the past, employees were afraid to disagree with their superiors. (Blunt, 1988) Nowadays, managers take into consideration the suggestions and point of view of employees to ensure that they feel valued by the organization. (Kramar & Syed, 2012) Apart from that, managers have no authority to press for change. This reflects a centralized system where the top management exercise great power and subordinates choose to leave the decision making process to senior executives. It is the duty of HRM to ensure that these leaders are highly committed in leading subordinates to fulfill the organization values and goals. In the western context, a decentralized structure is adopted and employees seek to be part of management decision-making process. A low power distance means that they want to be empowered by their management and be autonomous, being able to make decisions and be given responsibilities. The way to motivate them is through challenging jobs, where HRM needs to focus on the job design (Herzberg, 1966). Group discussions value the input of individuals that are taken into consideration, whereas in Brunei, SC and GO shape the HRM practices and the Sultan holds the decision making power. As mentioned in the case study, Bruneians have high uncertainty avoidance. (Blunt, 1988) Employees prefer a clear organizational structure and respect and behave ritually towards authority figures. Promotions or a raise in salary are also based on passing an examination based on the SC and GO. In contrast, a western country is skewed towards having low uncertainty avoidance whereby they are more uncertainty accepting, with higher acceptance for new ideas, innovative products and a willingness to try something new, be it technology or business practices. They also tend to be more tolerant of ideas or opinions from anyone and embrace freedom of expression (Hofstede, 1994). Maybe find a country to support this? In Brunei, the emphasis is on masculinity, men are expected to be assertive and dominant over women in social relations and demonstrates ambitious and competitive behavior. (Maxwell, 1996)
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